30 May 2009

New ArtFire Studio widget!

I added a widget to my new ArtFire studio that shows my photography that I have in flickr! I will create custom orders from any photograph that is in my flickr account!

Any photograph that receives a lot of attention on flickr will end up in my shop once the test print has confirmed a quality print.

Just be aware I have not test printed all of the photographs in my flickr account and not all sizes are available. (it depends on the photograph chosen)


  1. You have beautiful photos!

    You have been tagged. Check my blog for details http://haffinacreations.blogspot.com/ then post 7 random things about you.

  2. You've been tagged...go to my blog and see!

  3. You have been awarded a 'One Lovely Blog Award'



My World Travel Map


For Sale In My Shops