31 December 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm heading to my Family's for a snow delayed Christmas. Then I'll be going to the Seattle Center and photographing the Fireworks Show! I'll be cold wet and tired tonight.. But I hope to have some great photographs of the Needle in the fire!

Belfast Harmony

Belfast Harmony
Originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios

Harmony Statue located in Belfast Ireland

26 December 2008

This Way That Way

This Way That Way
Originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios

what do you think?

25 December 2008

Blue Fish

Blue Fish
Originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios

In Belfast Northern Ireland. This blue fish sculpture caught my eye. Love the subtle scenes in the tiles..

22 December 2008

Thornton Creek

Thornton Creek
Originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios

It has snowed a lot this weekend. so on my first day off work I went for a walk around my home. This is a creek close to my house and most likely the only place it is not in a city culvert.

This is Edited to look like a painting.

16 December 2008

Lake Washington Marina

Lake Washington Marina
Originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios

Let me know what you think of this photo. It was a experiment..

Frozen Chains

Frozen Chains, originally uploaded by Rainwolf Studios.

This is a "Rain Chain" used instead of a gutter pipe. It is a full size steel chain inside all that ice..
Edited to Sepia.

01 December 2008

I have just joined ArtFire!

I am finding more and more about ArtFire that I like and its only been 24hrs!

have a gander try a free account for a bit.. then signup for life! :}

Rainwolf on ArtFire.com

Register on ArtFire.com

22 November 2008

All Done for the Year.....

I've finished all my major travel for the year and I've visited some amazing people and places!

This year I got snowed on while visiting the Eiffel Tower, enjoyed the sunshine and people of Portugal, visited Alhambra Palace in Granada Spain, climbed new mountains and enjoyed great new friends in Daegu South Korea, annual family camping trip in Sitka, Alaska.. and learned many new things from my wonderful new friends in Northern Ireland.

I'd say it was a good year!

Now on to planning next year.... I'm currently looking for new friends willing to host a poor traveling photographer whom is trying to achieve the goal of visiting and learning from every country in the world. I hope to make lots of friends and learn about your culture and history while photographing my experience to bring to those who can not travel.

Send me a email!

10 September 2008

Playing with my Macro Lens....

I have a chance to do some macro work with some lizzards and such so I grabbed my macro and went in the yard to "practice".
Here are a couple I think turned out good. What do you think?

I made the Daily Challenge!

My "Frosty Morning" Photograph made the EtsyChallenge daily contest! Please go visit etsychallenge.blogspot.com and go vote for your favorites! I took this photograph just before work on my birthday January 14th 2007. I woke up to alot of sunshine with snow and frost. I knew the frost would not last long so I got ready for work as fast as I could and then ran outside and shot maybe 5 photographs before the frost vanished. I was very lucky the sunshine had not reached the fence yet and the long delicate frost was there for me to capture. It made my day. :}

09 September 2008

Etsy Challenge week 9/8/2008

I have entered a challenge with other Etsians at etsychallenge.blogspot.com
I was lucky and won the 9/1/2008 Photography challenge! now I am in a grand challenge of all the 9/1 winners. Please go vote when you have time. The contest runs from Monday noon to the following Monday 9am


I have just joined the Etsy Team of CAKE = Creative Artists Kick~Ass Etsians!

I will be adding links to my new team member's blogs soon. Please check back!

01 September 2008

Ok I have Failed...

I have failed to update this blog for so long I've traveled on 2 more trips since the last post!

Paris, Portugal and Spain was a great trip and I got some great photos from it and met some great people :}

I also went to South Korea and stayed with some new friends and had a great time exploring the mountains and temples.

last but not least I have taken my annual and possible last family camping trip to Alaska. We might be taking our camping to Hawaii next year :}

04 April 2008

Traveling Fun!

I am just checking in here...

So far I have spent 3 nights in Paris France
3 nights in Lisbon Portugal
2 nights in Evora Portugal
1 night in Merida Spain
3 nights in Granada Spain
next in line will be Barcelona Spain with maybe a stop in between.

I have got some great photographs coming your way once I get home to be able to process the RAW files.

22 March 2008

Travel Trip!

I am off on another traveling adventure! I am to visit Paris, Portugal and Spain. I hope to have many new photographs for my shop and you to see. :}

Easter Sunday leave Seattle at 3pm.... Arrive in Paris at 11:45am Monday Visit and tour Paris until my plane leaves for Lisbon and I meet up with the others. From Lisbon we will travel east and south along the coast on the way to Barcelona. I will tray and post here when I can while traveling but most likely I will be posting after my trip.

So See you all when I get back which will be around April 15th!

09 February 2008


I am currently working on my website www.rainwolf.net and cleaning up the galleries. If you have time give it a browse and be sure to rate the photos you like with a thumbs up! I use the ratings to help me pick out my next pictures to list in my etsy shop. :}

My room remodel is moving along well, I hope to have before and after pics soon for you to follow.. For those who do not know I am currently remodeling my room for a home office so I can work from home rather then have a 1 1/2-2 hr commute each way per work day.

Have fun and see you soon I hope!

07 February 2008

Etsy Treasuries

I was able to get a treasury tonight for my first time. I decided to go orange and think it turned out well. :}
I was also in two treasuries myself:

Thank you EliNOpus!

Thank you craftywomen!

Anyhow I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy :}
And don't forget to stop by our Etsy Shops!

06 February 2008

Room Remodel

I am currently remodeling my room to have my home office up and running soon.
I am only half on this February so please forgive my not updating this very much yet.
Be back soon :}

03 February 2008


RainWolf Studios is a family of photographers who travel as much as we can. We hope to bring you pictures that give an interesting view of the world around us.

Travel, Smile, and enjoy the world one photo/moment at a time!


My World Travel Map


For Sale In My Shops