10 September 2008

Playing with my Macro Lens....

I have a chance to do some macro work with some lizzards and such so I grabbed my macro and went in the yard to "practice".
Here are a couple I think turned out good. What do you think?

I made the Daily Challenge!

My "Frosty Morning" Photograph made the EtsyChallenge daily contest! Please go visit etsychallenge.blogspot.com and go vote for your favorites! I took this photograph just before work on my birthday January 14th 2007. I woke up to alot of sunshine with snow and frost. I knew the frost would not last long so I got ready for work as fast as I could and then ran outside and shot maybe 5 photographs before the frost vanished. I was very lucky the sunshine had not reached the fence yet and the long delicate frost was there for me to capture. It made my day. :}

09 September 2008

Etsy Challenge week 9/8/2008

I have entered a challenge with other Etsians at etsychallenge.blogspot.com
I was lucky and won the 9/1/2008 Photography challenge! now I am in a grand challenge of all the 9/1 winners. Please go vote when you have time. The contest runs from Monday noon to the following Monday 9am


I have just joined the Etsy Team of CAKE = Creative Artists Kick~Ass Etsians!

I will be adding links to my new team member's blogs soon. Please check back!

01 September 2008

Ok I have Failed...

I have failed to update this blog for so long I've traveled on 2 more trips since the last post!

Paris, Portugal and Spain was a great trip and I got some great photos from it and met some great people :}

I also went to South Korea and stayed with some new friends and had a great time exploring the mountains and temples.

last but not least I have taken my annual and possible last family camping trip to Alaska. We might be taking our camping to Hawaii next year :}

My World Travel Map


For Sale In My Shops